1.shred:n. 1. 碎片 2. 最少量,些微 v. 撕碎
2.shrivel:v. (使某物)萎縮,枯萎(因熱、冷或干所致)
Get thebulbs into the ground, or they will begin to shrivel.(把鱗莖種到地里,否則會開始干枯的。)
3.shun:v. 避免
He was a shy man whoshunned all publicity.(他是個怕羞的人, 總是避開一切引人注目的活動。)
4.shunt:v. 1. 使(火車)轉軌 2.轉移,調動
Freight Train 36 has beenshunted on to Track 6.(36次貨車已調到第六軌道上。)
5. sibling:n. 兄弟姐妹
6.sickbay:n. (船上、寄宿學校等的)病室
7.sideline:n. 1.(網(wǎng)球場、足球場等的)邊線,界限 2. 兼職
8.sidestep:v. 1.閃躲(攻擊等)而避到一旁 2. 回避
sidestepped to make way for the runner(側跨一步給賽跑者讓道)
9.sidle:v. (悄悄地)橫這周,(偷偷地)側身挨近
Shesidled out of the crowded room.(她悄悄地側身走出那擠滿人的房間。)
10.sighting:n. 看見