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發(fā)表時間:2014/3/7 13:30:26 來源:中大網校 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信


Many students today display a disturbing willingness tochoose
academic institutions, fields of study and careers in the basis of__1__
earning potential. In an extensive 1989 survey of collegestudents
nationwide, 72 percent of students reported that their primary
objective to attending college was to make more money upongraduation. __2__
This state of mind came with the present generation. Studies show
that the majority of baby boomers attended college to develop
themselves, their critically thinking skills and their personal __3__
philosophies of life.
Nationaly, the number of students going into business-related fields
has sharply increased, and this rise has attributed primarily to __4__
the shift in educational and career priorities. At Duke, economy is __5__
now the most popular major, attracting nearly 15 percent of the under-
graduates, and history majors comprise only 5 percent of undergraduate __6__
population. Thirty years ago the situation was reversed, with economic
and business administration majors together consisting 8.7 percent of __7__
undergraduates and almost 12 percent of undergraduates declared __8__
themselves history majors. The number of English majors has also decreased,
from 9 percent in 1969 to 5.5 percent today.
Degrees in economics are marketed and likely to garner their holders __9__
of high salaries without the added effort of medical or law school. __10__
And given the objectives of current college students, such options
are attractive.









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