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發(fā)表時間:2014/3/7 13:28:31 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

1.The most important economic activity in Canada is ___.
A mining
B fishing
C farming
D manufacturing

2.In area, the United States is the ____ largest country in the world.
A 2nd
B 3rd
C 4th
D 5th

3.______was NOT written by Charles Dickens.
A. David Copperfield
B. Oliver Twist、
C. Sons and Lovers
D. A Tale of Two Cities

4.What is (are) the nickname(s) of the U.S.A.?
A Uncle Sam
B Brother Jonathan
C Yankee
D All of the above

5.“He has a servant called Friday.” “he”in the quoted sentence is a character in______.
A Henry fielding’s tom jones
B john Bunyan’ the pilgrim’s progress
C Richard brinsley Sheridan’s the school for scandal
D Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

6.“A Red, Red Rose” was written by ___.
A Alexandra Pop
B Robert Burns
C William Blake
D John Keats

7.What forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States?
A The Rio Grande River
B The southern Rocky Mountains
C The Colorado River
D The Gulf of California 

8.The US formally entered the Second World War in ____
A 1937
B 1939
C 1941
D 1943 

9.The history of English is usually divided into ___ major periods.
A three
B four
C five
D two

10.The emblem of the Democratic Party is ____.
A elephant
B donkey
C bear
D bull 









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