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第6部分:完型填空(第51~65題,每題1分,共1 5分)


How Two Great Conflicts HelpeD.to Change Europe

Ninety years ago on A.sunny morning in Northern France,something happeneD.that changeD.B.retain anD.Europe for even At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916,whistles(哨子)blew anD.thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies.By the enD.of the day,20,000 of them were dead,anD.another 30,000 woundeD.or missing.The Battle of the Somme,_________(51)it is called,lasteD.for six months.When, it ended,125,000 British soldiers were dead. They haD.gaineD.five kilometers of ground.( )

This was one of A.series of great battles during WWI.The attack on the Somme was stageD.to relieve_________(52)on the French,who were engageD.in A.great battle of their own at A.place calleD.Verdun.By the time the battle ended,over A.million French anD.German troops haD.been killed.

About 1 7 million people were killeD.in WWI.There have been wars with greater numbers of dead.But there has never been one in________(53)most of the deaD.were concentrateD.in such A.small area.on the Somme battlefield,two men dieD.for every meter of space.

Local farmers working in the lanD.sit________(54)the bodies of those who dieD.in that battle.The deaD.of all nations were burieD.in A.series of giant graveyards along the line of the border________(55)France anD.Belgium.Relatives anD.descendants (子孫)of those who dieD.still visit these graveyards today.What the French call the "tourism of death"________(56)an important contribution to the IowA.economy.

It took A.seconD.great conflict before Europe was to turn_________(57)war itself.Twenty—eight years after the Somme battle',a、liberating amyl of British,American anD.Canadian troops took back than 500,000 people were killed,New_______(58)from another German invasion.More_______(59)were built.

Two great conflicts across two generations helpeD.to change the European minD.about war.Germany, once the most warlike country in Europe,is now probably more in (60)of peace than any other.One major cause of war in Europe was rivalry(競爭)between France anD.Germany.The European Union was specifically formeD.to enD.that ________(61).

According to US commentator William Pfaff。"Europeans are interesteD.in A.slow development of civilizeD.anD.tolerant international relations,——(62)on problems while avoiding catastrophes(災(zāi)難)along the way.They have themselves only recently________(63)from the catastrophes of VVWI anD.WWI I,when tens of millions of people were destroyed.They don’t want_______(64)."()

The last British veteran of the Somme battle dieD.in 2005,ageD.108.AnD.WWI is passing out of memory anD.into history.But for anyone who wants to understanD.how Europeans _________(65),it is still important to know A.little about the terrible events of July 1,1916.

51 A.since B.because C.as D.for

52 A.aggression B.anxiety C.pressure D.resistance

53 A.where B.which C.why D.that

54 A.finD.B.look for C.seek D.look at

55 A.among B.on C.in D.between

56 A.makes B.brings C.gives D.adds

57 A.into B.to C.in D.against

58 A.AmericA.B.Britain CanadA.D.France

59 A.monuments B.graveyards C.tablets D.gravestones

60 A.hatreD.B.suspicion C.favor D.fear

61 A.war B.rivalry C.battle D.revenge

62 A.compromising B.confronting C.attacking D.fighting

63 A.repeateD.B.recovereD.C.repaireD.D.relaxed

64 A.much B.many C.more D.less

65 A.behave B.assume C.know D.think






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