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1. Steven Spielberg has always had one goal: totell as many great stories to as many people as will listen.And that’s what hehas always been about.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist, Spielbergspent his early childhood in New Jersey and, later, Arizona.From the verybeginning, his fertile imagination filled his young mind with images that wouldlater inspire his filmmaking.

2.Even decades later, Spielberg says he has clearmemories of his earliest years, which are the origins of some of his biggesthits.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up tohis parent’s 1966 divorce, “It is really about a young boy who was in search ofsome stability in his life.”“He was scared of just about everything,” recalls his mother, LeahAdler.“When trees brushed against the house, he would head into my bed.Andthat’s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist.”

3. Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands onhis dad’s movie camera and began shooting short flicks about flying saucers andWorld War ΙΙ battles.Spielberg’s talent for scary storytelling enabled him tomake friends.On Boy Scout camping trips, when night fell, Spielberg became thecenter of attention.“Steven would start telling his ghost stories,” saysRichard Y.Hoffman Jr., leader of Troop 294, “and everyone would suddenly getquiet so that they could all hear it.”

4. Spielberg moved to California with his fatherand went to high school there, but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him, so he entered California StateUniversity at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg wasdetermined to make movies, and he managed to get an unpaid, non-creditinternship(實習)inHollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.Henever looked back.

5. Now, many years later, Spielberg is stilltelling stories with as much passion as the kid in the tent.Ask him where hegets his ideas, Spielberg shrugs.“The process for me is mostly intuitive (憑直覺的),” he says.“There are films that I feel I need to make, for a variety ofreasons, for personal reasons, for reasons that I want to have fun, that thesubject matter is cool, that I think my kids will like it.And sometimes I justthink that it will make a lot of money, like the sequel(續(xù)集) to Jurassic Park.”

A.Inspirations for his movies

B.The trouble of making movies

C.A funny man

D.Getting into the movie business

E.Telling stories to make friends

F.An aim of life

23.Paragraph 1___F___

24.Paragraph 2____A_____

25.Paragraph 3____E_____

26.Paragraph 4____D_____

A.a(chǎn)lmost everything

B.telling scary stories

C.a(chǎn) number of reasons

D.making children laugh

E.his childhood memories

F.a(chǎn) lot of money

27.Some of Spielberg’s most successful movies came from ____E___

28.When Spielberg was a boy, he used to be scared of ____A_____

29.Spielberg is very good at _____B____

30.Spielberg says he makes movies for ____C____


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