


發(fā)表時間:2015/5/12 16:28:58 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關注微信:關注中大網(wǎng)校微信

1.Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

If , and , what is ?

Answer Choices






2.If and , what is the value of ?

Answer Choices






3.A florist buys roses at apiece and sells them for apiece. If there are no other expenses, how many roses must be sold in order to make a profit of ?

Answer Choices






4.If two sides of the triangle above have lengths and , the perimeter of the triangle could be which of the following?

.   .   .

Answer Choices

(A) only

(B) only

(C) only

(D) and only

(E) , , and

5.The function , defined for, is graphed above. For how many different values of is ?

Answer Choices

(A) None

(B) One

(C) Two

(D) Three

(E) Four


1.The correct answer is E

If , and , then . Therefore, .

2.The correct answer is C

Since can be written as and can be written as , the left side of the equation is . Since , the value of is .

3.The correct answer is E

Each rose brings a profit of minus , or . The number of roses that need to be sold to make a profit of is . This is roses.

4.The correct answer is B

In questions of this type, statements , , and should each be considered independently of the others. You must determine which of those statements could be true.

Statement cannot be true. The perimeter of the triangle cannot be , since the sum of the two given sides is without even considering the third side of the triangle.

Continuing to work the problem, you see that in , if the perimeter were , then the third side of the triangle would be , or . A triangle can have side lengths of , , and . So the perimeter of the triangle could be .

Finally, consider whether it is possible for the triangle to have a perimeter of . In this case, the third side of the triangle would be . The third side of this triangle cannot be , since the sum of the other two sides is not greater than . By the Triangle Inequality, the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third side. So the correct answer is only.

5.The correct answer is E

when the point is on the graph of . Drawing the line , as in the graph below, shows that the is equal to for four values of between and .





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