


發(fā)表時間:2018/3/30 14:46:54 來源:互聯網 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信

圣戰(zhàn)(伊斯蘭教徒對異教徒的戰(zhàn)爭) jihad

生殖健康 reproductive health (Youths in China are becoming more open about premarital sex, but their awareness of reproductive health and safe sex remains relatively low, the first-ever extensive nat ionwide survey on the subject suggests. 首次全國范圍的(青少年生殖健康)調查顯 示,中國青少年對婚前性行為的態(tài)度變得更開放,但是他們對生殖健康和安全性行為的知識卻相對缺乏。)

生命探測儀 life detect ion instrument

生 物 降 解 的 biodegradable (The biodegradable plastic garbage bags used at Beijing Olympics venues will be available on the Chinese market next year. 曾在奧運場館廣為使用的生物降解塑料袋有望在明年進入市場。)

生效 come into force; take effect

升學率 enrolment rate

生魚片 sashimi

審美疲勞 aesthetic fatigue

申請破產保護 file for bankruptcy protection

申請專利 apply for a patent

神舟飛船 the Shenzhou spaceship

涉嫌犯罪案件 suspected criminal case

實報實銷 complete reimbursement

世 博 園 expo garden (At the 5.28-sq-km expo garden, upwards of 800,000 visitors are expected to punch their tickets at the gate every day - equivalent to dropping a different European city into the middle of Shanghai seven days a week. 世博園面積達 5.28 平方公里,屆時每天將接待游客超過 80 萬人次,這相當于每周將一個歐洲城市的人口輸送至上海市中心。)

時不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.

市場飽和 market saturation; saturated market

市場波動 market fluctuation

市場導向的就業(yè)機制 market-oriented employment mechanisms

市場供求關系 relation between market supply and demand

市場化 marketization

市場疲軟 sluggish market

市場調節(jié) market regulat ion; regulat ion market




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