Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume II--Fund Accounts 《截至一九XX年三月三十一日為止的財政年度預算卷二──基金帳目》
estimates of expenditure 開支預算
Estimates of Gross Domestic Product 《本地生產(chǎn)總值估計》
Euro 歐羅;歐元
Eurobond 歐洲債券
Euroclear 歐洲結(jié)算系統(tǒng)
Euroclear Clearance System Co-operative 歐洲結(jié)算系統(tǒng)公司
Eurocurrency credit market 歐洲貨幣信貸市場
Eurodollar 歐洲美元
Eurodollar bond 歐洲美元債券
Eurodollar deposit rate 歐洲美元存款利率
Eurodollar futures 歐洲美元期貨
Eurodollar market 歐洲美元市場
Eurodollar rate 歐洲美元利率
Euromoney 歐洲貨幣
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development [EBRD] 歐洲復興開發(fā)銀行
European Commission 歐洲委員會
European Common Market 歐洲共同市場〔共市〕
European Community [EC] 歐洲共同體
European Council 歐洲理事會
European Currency Unit [ECU] 歐洲貨幣單位
European Development Fund [EDF] 歐洲發(fā)展基金
European Economic Community [EEC] 歐洲經(jīng)濟共同體〔歐共體〕
European Futures Clearing Corporation B.V. [Amsterdam] 歐洲期貨結(jié)算有限公司〔阿姆斯特丹〕
European Investment Bank 歐洲投資銀行
European Monetary System [EMS] 歐洲貨幣體系
European Monetary Union 歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟
European Options Clearing Corporation Holding B.V. [Amsterdam] 歐洲期權(quán)結(jié)算控股有限公司〔阿姆斯特丹〕
European Options Exchange [Amsterdam] 歐洲期權(quán)交易所〔阿姆斯特丹〕
European Social Fund [ESF] 歐洲社會基金
European Union [EU] [developed from the European Community] 歐洲聯(lián)盟〔歐盟〕〔前身為歐洲共同體〕
Euroyen 歐洲日圓
Euroyen loan 歐洲日圓貸款
evade payment of tax 逃繳稅款
evidence of payment 付款證據(jù)
ex all [x.a.] 除凈
ex coupon [x.c.] 無息票
ex dividend [x.d.] 除息;除股息
ex gratia extinguishment allowance 特惠結(jié)業(yè)津貼
ex gratia grant 特惠補助金
ex gratia payment 特惠津貼;特惠金
ex rights [x.r.] 除權(quán);除認股權(quán)
ex warrant 除證;不附認股權(quán)證
examination 審查;訊問;研訊
excess 盈余;超出額;免賠額
excess liquidity 額外流動資金
excess tax paid 多繳的稅款
excess value 超額價值
excessive interest rate 過高利率
exchange 兌換;匯兌;交易所
exchange account 兌換帳
exchange bank 外匯銀行
Exchange Banks' Association, Hong Kong 香港外匯銀行公會
exchange broker 外匯經(jīng)紀
exchange clearing agreement 外匯結(jié)算協(xié)定
exchange company 交易所公司
exchange compensation allowance 匯率補償津貼
exchange contract 外匯合約
exchange contract cancellation note 外匯合約撤銷單
exchange control 外匯管制
Exchange Fund 外匯基金
Exchange Fund Advisory Committee [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 外匯基金諮詢委員會〔香港金融管理局〕
Exchange Fund bill 外匯基金票據(jù)
Exchange Fund Bills Programme 外匯基金票據(jù)計劃
Exchange Fund Debt Certificate 外匯基金債務證明書
Exchange Fund debt instrument 外匯基金債務票據(jù)
Exchange Fund Guarantee Scheme 外匯基金保證計劃
Exchange Fund Investment Limited [EFIL] 外匯基金投資有限公司
Exchange Fund note 外匯基金債券
Exchange Fund Notes Programme 外匯基金債券計劃
exchange gain 匯兌增益
exchange loss 匯兌損失
exchange market 外匯市場;匯兌市場
Exchange Member 交易所會員
exchange memo 兌換水單
exchange position 外匯頭寸
exchange premium 外匯升水;匯兌溢價
exchange quotation 外匯行情
exchange rate 匯率
exchange rate contract 匯率合約
exchange rate fluctuation 匯率波動
exchange rate index 匯率指數(shù)
exchange rate mechanism 匯率機制
exchange rate movement 匯率變動
exchange risk 外匯風險
exchange surcharge 匯兌附加費;匯兌附加稅
exchange transaction 兌換交易
exchange value 匯兌價值;交換價值
exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar 港元匯價
exchange-based short selling activity 經(jīng)交易所進行的賣空活動
exchange-traded derivative 在交易所買賣的衍生產(chǎn)品
excise duty 消費稅
excluded property 除外財產(chǎn)
excluded reserve 除外儲備
exclusive of rates 不包括差餉
exclusive right 專有權(quán);獨有權(quán)
exclusivity 專營權(quán)
Executive Board of International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣基金組織執(zhí)行董事會
Executive Committee [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 執(zhí)行委員會〔香港期貨交易所有限公司〕;常務委員會〔香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〕
executive director 執(zhí)行董事;執(zhí)行理事
Executive Director (Banking Policy) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理總裁(銀行政策)
Executive Director (Banking Supervision) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理總裁(銀行監(jiān)理)
Executive Director (External) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理總裁(外事經(jīng)研)
Executive Director (Monetary Policy and Markets) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理總裁(貨幣政策及市場)
Executive Director of Securities and Futures Commission 證券及期貨事務監(jiān)察委員會執(zhí)行董事
Executive Director (Reserves Management) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理總裁(儲備管理)
executor 遺囑執(zhí)行人
executor of small estates 小額遺產(chǎn)的遺囑執(zhí)行人
exempt dealer 獲豁免交易商
exempt from tax 獲豁免繳稅
exempt investment adviser 獲豁免投資顧問
exempt person 獲豁免的人
exempt sum 豁免款項
exempted institution 獲豁免機構(gòu)
exempted loan 受豁免的貸款
exemption 豁免
exemption certificate 豁免證明書
exemption clause 免責條款;豁免條款
exemption from estate duty 豁免遺產(chǎn)稅
exemption from property tax 豁免物業(yè)稅
exemption from rates 豁免差餉
Exemption From Salaries Tax Order 豁免薪俸稅令
exemption from stamp duty 免繳印花稅
exercise period 行使期
exercise price 行使價格
existing controller 現(xiàn)有控權(quán)人
existing licence 現(xiàn)行有效的牌照
existing loan 現(xiàn)有貸款
expectancy of value 預期值
expenditure 支出;開支;費用
expenditure approach 支出計算法;開支計算法
expenditure baseline 開支基線
expenditure commitment 開支承擔
expenditure component 開支項目
expenditure for the services of the government 政府服務開支
expenditure guideline 開支指引
expenditure on scientific research 科學研究開支
expenditure on the gross domestic product 本地生產(chǎn)總值開支
expenditure outturn 開支結(jié)算
expenditure pattern 開支模式;消費模式
expenditure rang