考試日期: | 2013年1月19日 |
Reading Passage 1 | |
Title: | 歐洲印刷術 |
Question types: | TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN
Match people with opinion Summary Completion |
文章內容回顧 | 歐洲印刷術的歷史 |
英文原文閱讀 | The techniques of printing were developed in Europe by craftsmen ignorant of these advances in the Far East. As in China, the earliest printing took the form of illustrated sheets printed from carved wooden blocks (known as woodblock printing). These illustrations were largely religious in nature, simple in design, and meant to be coloured by hand, and were made by largely anonymous craftsmen, and very few examples have survived.
The development of printing took a dramatic step forward thanks to the technological advances made by Johan Gutenberg, a Goldsmith working in Mainz, Germany, in the middle of the 15th century. His revolutionary idea was to use metal to cast each letter individually as a piece of ‘type’, so that a number of individual pieces (or letters) would be fitted together to make up a word, sentence, paragraph, and eventually an entire text or book. Once the printing had been finished, the type could be broken up from its settings, and re-used to print another book. This invention of ‘moveable’ (and re-useable) type enabled printing to become a viable economic alternative to making books by hand (known as manuscripts). Gutenberg’s invention produced what is regarded as a landmark in the history of printing, and of western civilisation: an edition of the Bible in Latin, known as the Gutenberg Bible (or sometimes as the 42-line Bible, as each page is made up of 42 lines of type). It was made at his workshop in Mainz between 1453 and 1455, and was certainly complete by 1456. It consists of over 1,300 large pages, in two volumes, and although we do not know exactly how many copies were originally produced, we do know that 180 were offered for sale, and that forty-eight copies survive today, about twenty of them complete. The book was printed with two-colours, black and red, and was produced to an exceptionally high standard, even more so considering the experimental processes which must have been required to achieve any kind of result. |
題型難度分析 | 第一篇的題型從難度來看,細節(jié)配對的難度不是很大,而摘要題和是非無判斷題相對而言也較為簡單,文章定位也比較容易,所以第一篇的難度不是很大。 |
YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 1. 答案寫法 若要求寫TRUE, 卻寫成:T ( × ) true ( × ) True ( × ) YES ( × ) 2. 題目在原文出現(xiàn)的位置:順序原則 3. 考點:即題目中可能說錯的部分 4. 定位詞(排除考點): 專有名詞、術語、物質名詞 時間、數(shù)字 歸納句子是關于哪方面信息的(即為定位詞或短語) 5. 判斷T/Y的情況:1) 同義、近義替換 2) 歸納總結 6. 判斷F/N的情況:100% 否認原文 7. 判斷NG的情況:根據原文無法100%判斷題目T/F(不可利用常識) |
劍橋雅思推薦原文練習 | 劍4 Test 2 |
Reading Passage 2 | |
Title: | Engineering and Art |
Question types: | Which paragraph contains the following information
Summary Completion Matching people with opinions |
文章內容回顧 | 繪畫藝術與工程鑄造 |
題型難度分析 | 這篇文章的難度較高,除了段落細節(jié)配對和填空題之外,還有人名觀點配對題,雙配對題及話題的陌生使得這篇文章的難度非常高。 |
題型技巧分析 | Detail Matching細節(jié)配對題
分類: 人/物體/地點/時間&特點/描述/事件 人名→理論 段落→具體信息 特點:1) A: 當題目為專有名詞、術語或物質名詞時,題目一般遵循順序原則 B: 當題目不是專有名詞、術語或物質名詞,而選項是時,題目一般不遵循順序原則 2)答案是否會重復使用?取決于NB 3)做題方法: A: 當題目為專有名詞、術語或物質名詞時,根據題目在原文定位,理解原文對應內容并選出答案(著重考察對文章的理解) B: 當題目不是專有名詞、術語或物質名詞,而選項是時,在文章中把選項中所有的專有名詞、術語或物質名詞劃出,然后在題目中劃定位詞在文章中定位。 注意:結構閱讀法的運用 若某1、2題做不出來,可先做后面題目,然后再返回來做 |
劍橋雅思推薦原文練習 | 劍4 Test 2 |
Reading Passage 3 | |
Title: | 水中加氟 |
Question types: | YES/NO/NOT GIVEN
Matching Multiple Choice |
文章內容回顧 | 飲用水加氟的利弊。由一個放在水里能治牙病的東西延伸開來的,談論了科學家正面反面的觀點,社會學家對科學家觀點的看法,作者對這些觀點的總結等等。 |
題型難度分析 | 本篇文章還是以細節(jié)題作為主打題型,難度相對而言較高。 |
題型技巧分析 | 單選
1. 題目在原文中出現(xiàn)的位置?:順序原則 2. 做題方法: 1)當題目中給出具體定位信息時: 根據題干定位題目在文章中位置,然后把選項和原文內容做比較,排除法選答案。 2)當題目中沒有提供具體定位信息時 在選項中劃定位詞,在文章中定位挨個排除。 |
劍橋雅思推薦原文練習 | 劍8 Test 4 |
本次雅思閱讀考試延續(xù)了2013年前兩次考試的特點,三篇文章均考到細節(jié)配對題。由于這種題型的無序特點,大大增加了考生們的定位難度,因此本次考試雖然沒有出現(xiàn)難度較大的heading題,但是難度依然很大。很多考生抱怨“難到逆天”。 2013年后續(xù)的雅思閱讀考試中,細節(jié)配對題將依然占主流,是非無判斷居第二位,建議考生們在重點關注細節(jié)配對和是非無判斷的同時,也關注摘要,選擇,標題配對題和送分題的做題技巧。 另外,技巧只能是“錦上添花”,而非“雪中送炭”,因此建議考生們還是把基礎打牢,熟悉閱讀高頻詞,并且熟練長句短讀的技能,同時利用閱讀機經,擴大自己的知識面,這樣才能獲得理想的成績。 |