


發(fā)表時間:2015/6/8 11:32:55 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關注微信:關注中大網(wǎng)校微信


The length of the short data is 16 bits. The range of short is

The length of the short data is 16 bits. The range of short is

Correct Answer: D 9 of 60

Question: 10

Which one of the following ranges of byte is correct?

Correct Answer: B 10 of 60

Question: 11

WWW.CN-MPA.COM 2004-5-27 22:14:08

Given the following fragment of code, what are results of i and j after execution?

int i = 1;

int j;

j = i++;

A. 1, 1

B. 1, 2

C. 2, 1

D. 2, 2


Pay attention to the position of the operator ++. In this question, first j is assigned to 1, then the value of i is added to 2.

Correct Answer: C 11 of 60

Question: 12

Which of the following statements are true?

A. >> is the arithmetic right shift operator.

B. >> is the logical right shift operator.

C. >>> is the arithmetic right shift operator.

D. >>> is the logical right shift operator.


There are two right shift operators in Java. They are >> and >>>. >> is the arithmetic(signed) right shift operator and >>> is the logical(unsigned) right shift operator.

Correct Answer: A,D 12 of 60

Question: 13

Which of the following assignments are legal?

A. float a = 2.0

B. double b = 2.0

C. int c = 2

D. long d = 2


In Java the default data type of floating point is double, not float. The assignment from double to float requires an explicit cast.

Correct Answer: B,C,D 13 of 60


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