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Question: 6

Which are the valid identifiers in Java?

A. fieldname

B. super

C. 3number

D. #number

E. $number


Valid identifiers in Java can start with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($), but not with digits or other signs. And identifiers can not be keywords.

Correct Answer: A,E 6 of 60

Question: 7

Which are valid Java keywords?

A. const


C. false

D. this

E. native


All the keywords in Java are lowercase. goto and const are keywords that are not used in Java programming language.

Correct Answer: A,C,D,E 7 of 60

Question: 8

WWW.CN-MPA.COM 2005-8-16 3:14:42

Which are valid integral expressions in Java?

A. 22

B. 0x22

C. 022

D. 22H


In Java integral has three forms: decimal, octal and hexadecimal. Octal values start with a zero and hexadecimal values start with 0x.

Correct Answer: A,B,C 8 of 60

Question: 9

Which one of the following ranges of short is correct?


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