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1. is the capital of Canada.

A) Vancouver B) Ottawa C) Montreal D) York

2. U.S. presidents normally serve a(n) term.

A) two-year B) four-year C) six-year D) eight-year

3. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.?

A) Huston. B) Boston. C) Baltimore. D) Philadelphia.

4. is the state church in England.

A) The Roman Catholic Church B) The Baptist Church

C) The Protestant Church D) The Church of England

5. The novel Emma is written by .

A) Mary Shelley. B) Charlotte Bronte. C) Elizabeth C. Gaskell. D) Jane Austen.

6. Which of the following is NOT a romantic poet?

A) William Wordsworth. B) George Elliot.

C) George G. Byron. D) Percy B. Shelley.

7. William Sidney Porter, known as O. Henry, is most famous for .

A) his poems. B) his plays. C) his short stories. D) his novels.

8. Syntax is the study of .

A) language functions. B) sentence structures.

C) textual organization. D) word formation.

9. Which of ale following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language?

A) Arbitrariness. B) productivity. C) Cultural transmission. D) Finiteness.

10. The speech act theory was first put forward by .

A) John Searle. B) John Austin. C) Noam Chomsky. D) M.A,K. Halliday





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