Eiffel Is an Eyeful
Some 300 meters up, near the Eiffel Tower's wind-whipped summit the world comes to scribble. Japanese,Brazilians, Americans — they graffiti their names,loves and politics on the cold iron — transforming the most French of monuments into symbol of a world on the move.
With Paris laid out in miniature below,it seems strange that visitors would rather waste time marking their presence than admiring the view. But the graffiti also raises a question : Why, nearly 114 years after it was completed,and decades after it ceased to be the world, s tallest structure,is la Tour Eiffel still so popular?
The reasons are as complex as the iron work that graces a structure some 90 stories high. But part of the answer is, no doubt, its agelessness. Regularly maintained, it should never rust away. Graffiti is regularly painted over,but the tower lives on.
"Eiffel represents Paris and Paris is France. It is very symbolic”,says Hugues Richard,a 31- year-old Frenchman who holds the record for cycling up to the tower's second floor 一 747 steps in 19 minutes and 4 seconds, without touching the floor with his feet. "It's iron lady,It inspires us ”, he says.
But to what? After all,the tower doesn' t have a purpose. It ceased to be the world’ s tallest in 1930 when the Chrysler Building went up in New York. Yes,television and radio signals are beamed from the top,and Gustave Eiffel,a frenetic builder who died on December 27,aged 91 ,used its height for conducting research into weather, aerodynamics and radio communication.
But in essence the tower inspires simply by being there _ a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will. To the technically minded, it's an engineering triumph. For lovers, it's romantic.
"The tower will outlast all of us,and by a long way”,says Isabelle Esnous, whose company manages Eiffel Tower.
Eiffel Tower (法國巴黎的)埃菲爾鐵塔
eyeful 引人注目的景象
scribble 亂涂,亂畫 graffiti 涂寫,涂畫
iron work 鐵制品;鐵工 agelessness 永恒,永不過日寸
rust 生銹(rust away 銹爛掉) frenetic 辦極度激動的
tinker 白鐵匠,能做各種小修小補的人
aerodynamics 空氣動力學
1.Eiffel Is an Eyefiil:引人注目的埃菲爾鐵塔。由于Eiffel和Eyeful讀音相似,使用Eyeful而 不是其他的詞是有其修辭效果的。埃菲爾鐵塔是古斯塔夫?埃菲爾(Gustave Eiffel,1832— 1923,法國工程師)為1889年的巴黎博覽會設計的。該塔在塞納河南岸,高300公尺(984 英尺)。埃菲爾鐵塔的法文是第二段最后一句中的“l(fā)a Tour Eiffel"。
2.some:意為“approximately;about,,(大約,將近)。如它 40 people attended the rally.大約 有40個人參加了集會。
3.the world comes to scribble:世界各地的人們來此涂鴉。
5.transforming the most French of monuments into symbol of a world on the move.使最有法蘭西 色彩的紀念碑成為動感世界的象征。the most + adj. + of + n.意為“在……中最為…… 的” 如:Beethoven is the greatest of musicians.貝多芬是最偉大的音樂家。on the move:在 運動中。
6.in miniature:小型的,小規(guī)模的,縮影的
7.would rather waste time marking their presence than admiring the view.寧愿花時間留下到此一游的痕跡,而不去觀賞風景。would rather…than:寧愿……而不……: He would rather
stay at home watching DVD than going to the cinema.他寧愿待在家里看 DVD,而不愿到電影院去看電影。
8.在原句Why is la Tour Eiffel still so popular?的 Why 與 la Tour Eiffel still so popular?之間插 AT nearly 114 years after it was completed, and decades after it ceased to be the world's tallest structure.
9.graces:在此作動詞,意為“to give beauty, elegance, or charm to”(使……優(yōu)美,優(yōu)雅或具有魅力)
10.Hugues Richard:法國自行車運動員,多次打破自行車運動的世界紀錄,于2002年4月8日 以19分鐘零4秒的成績騎自行車登上埃菲爾鐵塔的第二層,第六次打破自行車運動的世 界紀錄。
11.“It’s iron lady,it inspires us. ”:“這是鐵娘子,能讓人產生靈感?!盜t指埃菲爾鐵塔。
12.But to what?這是一個省略句,接著上段Hugues Richard的話發(fā)問,完整的句子可以是:But what does it inspire people to?
13.the Chrysler Building:是美國紐約帝國大廈(the Empire State Building)建成之前,世界第一 高樓,共77層,設計師是William Van Alen。
14.a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will:—張空白的畫布,任游客自由遐想
15.To the technically minded:對于那些善于從技術角度考慮問題的人來說,從技術的角度來 說。
16."The tower will outlast all of us,and by a long way. ”:“這座塔將在我們所有的人離去后長 久存在?!眔utlast:意為“ to last longer than”(比……持久)。out-:前綴,意思是“比…… 更…”。如:Women are said to outlive men.據(jù)說女人比男人長壽。
by a long way :副詞,意思是“大大地”。
1. Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into symbol of a world on the move?
A) Tourists from all over the world come to the Eiffel Tower by car or by plane.
B ) Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron of the tower.
C) The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in the world.
D ) The Eiffel Tower represents all the towers in the world.
2. What seems strange to the author?
A) Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view.
B ) Visitors spends much time watching other people scribbling.
C ) Only Japanese,Brazilians and Americans like to mark their presence.
D ) Scribbling spread from country to country.
3. Which statement is NOT true of Hugues Richard?
A ) He is a cyclist.
B ) He is a record holder.
C ) He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds.
D ) He cycled up to the tower's second floor.
4. What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for?
A) Sending radio and television signals all over the world.
B ) Conducting research in various fields.
C) Giving people inspiration.
D ) Demonstrating French culture.
5. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel Tower is like)a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will ______?
A ) Visitors can do whatever they want on the tower.
B ) Visitors can paint on the tower whatever they want.
C ) Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents.
D) Visitors can draw on a blank canvas provided by the Tower management company.
1. B第一段提供了答案。見注釋3、4、5。
2. A 第二段第一句中的句型 would rather do something than doing something else,也可以用 prefer doing something to doing something else的句型來表達。所以,A是正確選項。句型解 釋見注釋7。
3. C第四段i訴我們,Hugues Richard蹬車上塔,打破世界紀錄。C不是正確選項,因為他 cycling up to the tower's second floor,而不是 climbing up the tower.
4. B A不是正確選項,因為Gustave Eiffel沒有也不可能使用該塔向全世界發(fā)射電視信號。 第五段的最后一句提供了答案。
5. C第六段的大意是:對不同的人,埃菲爾鐵塔有不同的象征意義。見注釋14。
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