


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2013/3/13 9:49:24 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

The development of agriculture and the balance between food and population are China’s fundamental economic problems. The classical histories praise emperors for devotion to agriculture and much of China’s modern history is ____(1)____, which has been growing steadily.

Today, although agriculture accounts for only a quarter of the Gross National Product, it is still the main determinant of the standard of living and the principal occupation of at least 70 percent of population.

Agriculture also _____(2)____ because industry needs both agricultural raw materials and food for its work force. The failure of agriculture to supply raw material and food halted and later reversed the industrial progress of the 1950’s, After 1960 new emphasis was placed on agriculture, and the slogan "Agriculture is the foundation of the economy" has remained a central Chinese economic policy ever since.

___(3)___, there is an indirect link due to the relationship between agriculture and foreign trade. Many of China’s exports are ___(4)___ or consumer goods based on them. Flourishing agriculture, therefore, promotes exports. It also reduces the need to spend foreign exchange on imports of grain and cotton, therefore __(5)___.

A determines the progress of industry

B the story of the unfolding struggle to feed a peasant population

C either agricultural raw materials

D enlarging the capacity of the economy to import machinery and commodities for industry

E In addition to the direct links between agriculture and industry

F thus promoting both import and export




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