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31. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Public lands are one of the main sources of revenues.

B. Public lands should be developed to ease energy shortage.

C. Public lands play an important role in energy production.

D. Public lands store huge energy resources for further development.

32. Which of the following statements is true of public lands in the U.S.?

A. Half of US energy is produced there.

B. Most of coal was produced from there in 2000.

C. Most energy resources are reserved there.

D. The majority of undiscovered natural gas is stored there.

33. Geothermal resources, wind turbines, and hydropower facilities in Paragraph 4 are cited as examples to illustrate that

A. alternative energy production is no less than conventional energy production.

B. they are the most typical conventional energy resources from public lands.

C. geothermal resources are more important than the other two.

D. the amount of alternative energy production from public lands is huge.

34. There is a mounting pressure on public lands to satisfy US energy demands because

A. many Americans are unhappy with energy development in foreign countries.

B. the U.S. is demanding more and more energy.

C. quite a few public lands are banned for energy development.

D. many Americans think public lands are being abused.

35. Public lands can be used for energy development when

A. they go through the land use planning process.

B. energy development restrictions are effective.

C. federal land managers grant permissions.

D. there is enough federal budget.






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