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Students Learn Better with Touchscreen Desks

Observe the criticisms of nearly any major public education system in the world, and a few of the many complaints are more or less universal. Technology moves faster than the education system. Teachers must teach at the pace of the slowest student rather than the fastest. And--particularly in the United States—grade school children as a group don’t care much for, or excel at, mathematics. So it’s heartening to learn that a new kind of “classroom of the future” shows promise at mitigating some of these problems, starting with that fundamental piece of classroom furniture: the desk.

AUK study involving roughly 400 students, mostly aged 8-10 years, and a new generation of multi-touch, multi-user, computerized desktop surfaces is showing that over the last three years the technology has appreciably boosted students’ math skills compared to peers learning the same material via the conventional paper-and-pencil method. How? Through collaboration, mostly, as well as by giving teachers better tools by which to micromanage individual students who need some extra instruction while allowing the rest of the class to continue moving forward.

Science, Clay Dillow, classroom of the future, education, engineering, math, mathematics, Synergy Net Traditional instruction still shows respectable efficacy at increasing students fluency in mathematics, essentially through memorization and practice--dull, repetitive practice. But the researchers have concluded that these new touch screen desks boost both fluency and flexibility--the critical thinking skills that allow students to solve complex problems not simply through knowing formulas and devices, but by being able to figure out what there all problem is and the most effective means of stripping it down and solving it.

One reason for this, the researchers say, is the multi-touch aspect of the technology. Students working in the next-gen classroom can work together at the same tabletop, each of them contributing and engaging with the problem as part of a group. Known as Synergy Net, the software uses computer vision systems that see in the infrared spectrum to distinguish between different touches on different parts of the surface, allowing students to access and use tools on the screen, move objects and visual aids around on their desktops, and otherwise physically interact with the numbers and information on their screens. By using these screens collaboratively, the researchers say, the students are to some extent teaching themselves as those with a stronger grasp on difficult concepts pull other students forward along with them.

41. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the public education system?

A. It does not catch up with the development of technology.

B. Some similar complaints about it are heard in different countries.

C. Many students are not good at learning mathematics.

D. Teachers pay more attention to fast learners than slow learners.

42. What has been found after the new tech is employed?

A. Students become less active in learning mathematics.

B. Students show preference to the conventional paper-and pencil method.

C. Teachers are able to give individualized attention to students in no difference.

D. The gap between slow learners and fast learners gets more noticeable.

43. What is the benefit student get from the new tech?

A. It makes them more fluent in public speech.

B. It enables them to develop critical thinking ability.

C. It offers them more flexibility in choosing courses.

D. It is effective in helping them solve physical problems.

44. What happens when students are using the desktop of the new tech?

A. Every student has an individual tabletop.

B. The multi-touch function stimulates students.

C. The software installed automatically identifies different users.

D. Students use different tools to interact with each other.

45. How does the new tech work to improve student’s mathematical learning?

A. It helps fast learners to learn faster.

B. It enables them to work together.

C. It makes teacher’s instruction unnecessary.

D. It allows the whole class to learn at the same pace.






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