1 At first glance, a forest appears to be a haphazard collection of trees, shrubs, vines, and flowers.
A random
B total
C graded
D natural
2 Leaves are not distributed accidentally on a plant stem, but are arranged in a very precise way that assures them the maximum light.
A dangerously
B densely
C randomly
D linearly
3 Medieval cities grew rapidly when they had harbors nearby.
A merchants
B castles
C suburbs
D ports
4 Because of harsh weather conditions, more than a dozen states in the United States were declared disaster areas in 1977.
A severe
B bizarre
C moist
D improbable
5 The best olive oil is obtained from olives that are harvested just after they ripen and before they turn black.
A preserved
B squeezed
C gathered
D sorted
6 Modern nursing practices not only hasten the recovery of the sick but also promote better health through preventive medicine.
A permit
B determine
C accelerate
D accompany
7 In the eighteenth century the heading of “natural philosophy” encompassed all of the sciences.
A category
B teachings
C ideology
D leaders
8 Because of Delaware's lenient laws regarding business incorporation, many companies have their headquarters in the state's largest city, Wilmington.
A production plants
B home offices
C sales representatives
D chemical laboratories
9 The members of Aaron Burr's family were noted for their passionate and headstrongtemperament.
A intellectual
B stubborn
C witty
D steadfast
10 If roundworms are removed from the soil and placed in a liquid, they thrashhelplessly around.
A carelessly
B tirelessly
C powerlessly
D heartlessly
11 Due to the tilt of Neptune's axis, the Sun heats the planet's northern and southernhemispheres unequally.
A climates
B halves
C atmospheres
D contours
12 Compared with large aircraft, small airplanes are not as streamlined and hence are less efficient.
A at a glance
B to a measurable degree
C in most cases
D as a result
13 Sedimentary rocks cover much of the Earth's surface, but they are often hidden by a thinveneer of soil.
A concealed
B eroded
C protected
D softened
14 To cool itself, a rhinoceros soaks in mud or water because its thick hide has no sweat glands.
A skin
B tongue
C horn
D trunk
15 Charles Whecler's paintings often highlight the sharp edges and geometrical shapes of machines.
A extend
B emphasize
C distort
D soften
參考答案:1A 2C 3D 4A 5C 6C 7A 8B 9B 10C 11 B 12D 13A 14A 15B