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發(fā)表時間:2011/11/10 10:25:25 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信



Yellow fever is a disease of warm lands that is found mainly along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. It was first 11 in the Americas, but may well have come from Africa and reached the New World with or soon after Columbus. Until about fifty years ago, yellow fever was still one of the most 12 diseases in the United States, 13 many died in repeated outbreaks. An outbreak which was to lead 14 surprising developments was one that happened in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.

15 , an army group under Major Walter Reed was sent there in June, 1900 16 orders “to give special attention to questions concerning the cause and prevention of yellow fever”. In a daring group of experiments using human beings, Major Reed proved the truth of an idea advanced in 1881 by a Cuban doctor, that the city type of mosquito 17 the disease.

The successful result of these experiments gave 18 to another and still more important idea: kill off the city type of mosquitoes and there will be no more yellow fever. 19 , these mosquitoes are one of the easiest types to destroy. They are 20 in pools of quiet, warm water, within a short distance to people's home.

11.A.seen  B. looked into C. noticed D. felt

12.A.feared B. fearing C. fear D. felt

13.A.which B. where  C. that D. how

14.A.for B. in C. to D. at

15.A. As results B. As the result

C. As result  D. As a result

16.A.for  B. on  C. with D. in

17.A.passed on  B. passed to

C. passed over  D. passed away

18.A.time B. result C. birth D. order

19.A.Unfortunately B. Fortunately

C. Consequently D. Subsequently

20.A.fed B. lived  C. made D. born








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